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What inspired Embody Your Authenticity


I went from buzzing with anxiousness and feeling disconnected from my body… to hearing almost daily that someone wants to soak up my delicious, grounding energy. 🍯✨


I used to disregard my own feelings and say “yes” on autopilot. 🚨 Now, I listen what my body tells me, and turn down people and opportunities that don’t align with my values and priorities. 🙅🏼‍♀️


In the past, I would try to be “perfect” 💁🏼‍♀️ and meet society’s expectations, because I was hooked on the hits of external validation. Now, I receive validation from deep inside myself first, and am free to build my life based on my personal interests, desires and ambitions. ❤️‍🔥



What you can expect


Embody Your Authenticity will help you…

👉🏽 trust your intuition enough to stop asking for everyone’s POV

👉🏽 set boundaries so clearly that you reserve your energy for yourself (and the people that *actually* deserve it); and

👉🏽 relish in the clarity and confidence that comes with speaking your truth

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The root problem  


The problem is, so many people are deeply conditioned to people-please, self abandon, and over function in relationships until their energy is drained. 🪫


My perspective


And, if this is you, you may be resisting addressing these problems because you think the solution is to shapeshift even further.


But… what if the solution isn’t about changing or improving yourself?


What if it’s all about remembering who the f*ck you are underneath all your layers of social conditioning?


Me, then and now


I spent much of my life burning the candle at both ends, compromising my values in order to feel loved, and chasing external validation until I didn’t know who I was anymore. 🕯️


Now… I feel so deeply connected to my intuition, I'm armed with glorious boundaries that help me save more of myself for *ME* to enjoy, and I stand courageously in my truth!


My self worth is so high that I’m not afraid to pass on even beautiful-sounding invitations, connections or opportunities if having it would require me to compromise my peace. ✨


(Yeah, babe… it feels *THAT GOOD* to love being in my own energy and not need much else.)

Your next step 


Want to do this thing, together?


Join my my self-paced course, Embody Your Authenticity.

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Inside, I'll guide you through 3 key areas.

 I use a blend of lessons, guided meditations and actionable exercises to help drive the key points home. 🎯


We go deep, because when you actually EMBODY these teachings, they'll live on in your heart (not just in your mind).

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For support at any time, write my team at [email protected]