Shadowlight Wellness Women's Connection Circle

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  2. After purchasing for the first time, you’ll be prompted to create a password. This allows me to track attendees in my hosting platform, Kajabi! 😊

Refund Policy:

If you are no longer able to attend after purchasing, email me at [email protected] as soon as you're able.
While I am unable to issue refunds, I will transfer your spot to an upcoming gathering.



Join Larissa Bell, certified coach, yoga + meditation teacher, and circle facilitator, for a group gathering in Bend, Oregon.

In our women's connection circles, we hold space for women of all walks of life to come together, and connect in their most honest expression.

These are safe spaces where we can all set down our masks and our armor, and see one another precisely where they are in their journey.

Here, we will laugh and cry, reflect and express, make lasting connections and deepen existing relationships.

These connection circles include:
+ Guided Meditation
+ Journal Reflection
+ Partner Work
+ Sharing Circle
+ Authentic Connection



“Talking to Larissa feels like talking to a lifelong friend whether you are one, of or if you met her 4 minutes ago! She has a unique ability to listen attentively to everything you’re saying, ask thoughtful questions that encourage you to think outside the box, and draw upon her personal life experiences and expertise to help you find solutions to challenges. Simply put, spending time with Larissa feels like a warm hug.” - Leah C.

“Larissa has always been an empathetic listener and compassionate advisor, it comes naturally to her! She hears every word you say and reads into your tone, asking follow up questions that help you really understand yourself and your situation. She’s the type of person that everyone wants in their life because she truly brings out the best, most honest part of a person and makes you feel accepted and loved for who you are.” - Lia G.

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Larissa and being on the receiving end of her guidance and support for over 10 years. Throughout my many paths of growth, understanding who I am in my own skin, navigating family illness and grief, and my many many career changes, she’s been an extremely valuable resource for me both as a trusted source of advice, but also as a listening ear who knows how to empathize and make you feel seen. Anyone would be lucky to have access to Larissa’s mind for advice, for understanding, and for some comic relief.” - Erin D.



$22.00 USD or more